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New Mission. New Team. New Look.

New Mission. New Team. New Look.

Montessori Rocks' New Blog team - "New Mission. New Team. New Look."Welcome to our NEW Montessori Rocks site! Over the past couple of years, we have showcased articles covering topics for all age levels, home and school life, gift guides and tips and tools. Our authors came from across the globe and shared their experiences with each and one of you and we are so thankful for their contributions over the years.

But we knew it was time for a change. And as we know, change is never easy for anyone, so we have worked to make this the smoothest transition for our audience. You may already be asking yourself what’s changing…tell me already!!!!

Well, three major changes are taking place, our mission, our team, and our look. Our mission will have a focus on PUBLIC school Montessori and real-life experiences from those who are in it day in and day out. Those amazing humans will make up our consistent blog team. Their voices, experiences and passion will work to transform our site into the go-to place for everything Montessori. We have also created a fresh new look to accompany these changes.

Now, don’t think for a minute that if your child doesn’t attend a PUBLIC Montessori that the site is no longer for you. That’s what’s great about Montessori, it can work ANYWHERE. It’s truly about the method and the philosophy. All of our previous articles are still available for you and we are confident that each of our new blogs will connect to anyone searching for more information about a Montessori education. We are just here to prove that it truly can work in any school setting, and that includes public schools as well.

So, ready to meet our team?!?! Let them tell you why they believe that Montessori is the right fit for PUBLIC education. Check out what some of them have to say…

“Montessori is a proven method of instruction for academic achievement for all students.  It should be made available to all students regardless if their parents can afford.  And here is the kicker, no matter what the public education reform or initiative is for the year, Montessori education can and will surpass the expectations. I work in a public Montessori school, and I see every day the difference it makes in molding citizens of the world.”– Dr. Alan

“I am a firm believer that the Montessori Method, is effective in helping ALL children learn and enhance their social and emotional development.”– Maya

“Montessori works in public school settings because it is tailored to meet the needs of each individual child. Behavioral challenges are met with compassion, boundaries, and mutual respect. Children are allowed to be children and move around while learning about purposeful work all while learning how to become independent.” – Rochelle

To read more about our bloggers, you can head over to our MEET OUR TEAM page and hear more about their background in Montessori education.

Now is the time for change. Now is the time to bring it back home.

Back to OUR people. Back to OUR personal experiences.

We can’t wait to share our passion of Montessori with you and we hope you will continue your journey with us! Because, well we know that Montessori is for EVERYONE. And it’s time we stood up and said so! #Montessorirocks

One Comment

  1. Kibiike marjoriekings
    added on 30 May, 2018

    I realy love montessori i,ve tried it with my children it’s really Exceptional, doing it from Uganda. Thanks for all the encouragement.

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