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Encouraging Problem Solving

Encouraging Problem Solving

“Never help a child with a task at which he feels he can succeed.” –Maria Montessori This quote speaks volumes to what the end goal is in a Montessori education: independent learners who are successful in the real-world. Unfortunately, we see it often; the “helicopter parents” who swoop in and want to solve all of […]

Why Travel Matters

Why Travel Matters

Many people hear Montessori and immediately relate the curriculum to the ideas of peace, empathy, and the care of living things.  However, I don’t think you can teach Montessori curriculum without at least a piece of Cosmic Education, or the cultural curriculum.  Cosmic Education is essentially the teaching that everything is connected. Cosmic education is […]

Montessori & ADHD

Montessori & ADHD

As a teacher, I have always prided myself on being successful with the “busier” children, the ones who move and wiggle constantly, the ones with stronger impulses than regulation skills, the ones that need the extra attention. I always knew that those children were the most rewarding for me because they challenged me to teach […]

Assessment in Montessori: Is it necessary?

Assessment in Montessori: Is it necessary?

Regardless of the type of Montessori school, you may attend, assessments will be a part of the curriculum.  As a matter of fact, observation is a critical skill and component of a Montessori teacher.  Every day the teacher observes and assesses the child in front of them.  Sometimes it is only observation.  Sometimes it is […]

Empathy: A True Lesson in the Montessori Classroom

Empathy: A True Lesson in the Montessori Classroom

Having lived in five continents and in seven different countries, I have been able to conclude that the world is bigger than I could have ever truly imagined and that I was lucky to have been exposed to an array of unique cultures, vast human diversity, and traditions that define human identity.  Through different lands, […]